I did a LOMO photography course a month or so ago with Yolanda Stapleton at FAC.
Basically we ran around the grounds on the most ridiculously humid and hot day and took photos first off with a (fabulous toatally going to be my next purchase) Fisheye camera, and then exposed the same film using an oktomat.
We covered some of the lenses with cellophane and colour flash gels while using both cameras.
So I got a copy of the images this week in the mail and was excited/ surprised at the results! It was hard sometimes to remember what we actually took photos of, and I've been squinting at the photos to try and work it out.
These are to ones I think worked out well, 13 out of 39 images is actually an amazing result when there were two of us simply taking random photos, and mucking around for a few hours.
These look really cool! I bet they were fun to make....