Saturday 1 May 2010

Sunday 25/Apr

Today was A.N.Z.A.C. day. Every year i get up before it is light, rug up against the chill, pin my Grandfather's WW2 service medals on my jacket and go to Kings Park for the Dawn Service. We watch the sun come up thinking about people who gave up a lot for where we are as a country now, and hear 'The Last Post' (which always brings a tear to my eye). Today was no different. It is a day for pride.


  1. nawww i love this :)
    you're right, it is a day of pride :)

    i didn't know your grandfather was in WW2. was he like..a private? or an officer?

  2. He was in the airforce, he drove trucks up north near Darwin and in Borneo, like servicing the aircraft at bases and stuff...
